If you’ve been reading Handmade Charlotte for a few years, then you’re already familiar with crafter extraordinaire Estefi Machado. She’s the mastermind behind some brilliant DIY projects, including this DIY Lego pencil holder and many others! Estefi is a designer / blogger / illustrator / crafter / photographer / mother living in Brazil. We love the kid-friendly DIY projects she shares on her blog – they’re all so much fun!
In the past few months, Estefi has been sharing some out-of-this-world DIY projects using cardboard as the main material. They’re so unique and creative that we just had to share a few of our favorites with you!
Cardboard Arcade: DIY Pac Man Game

Possibly our all-time favorite of the bunch this is DIY Pac Man arcade game. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that there’s an iPad built in to the structure! Is there a better way to introduce your kids to the classic video games of the 1980s? As Estefi writes on her blog, although this project is a bit time consuming, the materials and process are simple. She shares photos of her process and shows how to construct the game, including the handy spot to put your iPad.

Shoebox Camper

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we love craft projects that recycle everyday objects! Estefi turned an empty shoebox into this adorable DIY camper van, decorating it with patterned paper, round lids, and paper straws. Did you notice the miniature plant in a thimble? It doesn’t get much cuter than that, folks! See more photos of her process right here.

Similar to the camper van, Estefi shared a DIY fairy cottage also using a cardboard box as the main structure, and adding cardboard and accessories for furnishings.

Cardboard Boom Box

The music lover in your life is sure to be a fan of this project: a handmade cardboard boom box! Using an iPhone and a compatible music player as the base, Estefi shows how to cut and assemble your own retro boom box. And an added bonus: this boom box is super light, so if you plan on holding this guy over your head to apologize to anyone, it should be a breeze.
Cardboard TV

Looking to cut down on screen time? Make your own cardboard TV instead! Any large, strong box is a great base, and then cut and draw details to make it look even more like a TV set. Estefi even attached circular knobs with brads so that they can spin!

Cardboard Super 8 Camera

And another oldie but a goodie: a cardboard Super 8 camera! Estefi had a real Super 8 camera to reference when she built her cardboard version, but a quick image search will provide all the details you need. Wouldn’t this a great way to introduce film and camera history to kids?
We could go on and on for days about Estefi’s amazing creations, but we’ll leave you to discover the rest for yourself! Be sure to follow her cardboard adventure on her blog and Instagram!