Give your kids a chance to express their artistic creativity over and over again! Create this simple framed gallery wall and your little one will be able to create, erase, and recreate magnificent works of art, right on the living room wall. Now this is the kind of drawing on walls that I can approve!

- Contact paper: 1 roll of white and another roll of wood grain contact paper of your choice (or colored, patterned, etc.). I found both of my contact paper styles at my local Dollar Tree. Feel free to mix it up and have fun with it!
- Utility knife
- Ruler
- Cutting mat
- Dry erase marker

Creating the Frames
Creating these contact paper frames is a simple process. Simply cut out a square or rectangular shape in any size you like (or get creative making ovals, decorative frame shapes, and more!). Now flip the frame shape over and, using a ruler, decide how thick you want your frame to be. Draw where you plan to cut with a marker. Next, use your utility knife to cut out the center of the frame. Finally, cut a sheet of white contact paper slightly smaller than the size of the frame that you just made.

Creating A Gallery of Art
Now that your gallery wall is ready to go, just pull out a dry erase marker or two and let your child go at it! You’ll love seeing what they come up with. I chose to stick with a simple black marker, but you can introduce a variety of colors if you like. And when you want to erase, simply take a damp cloth and wipe away. I’ve found that it also helps to have dry erase cleaner to get all of the marks off of your frames.

I personally love the idea of creating a space that is seamless with the design of your home, making it visually appealing for you but creative and fun for the kids as well. They’ll love feeling included and being able to contribute to the family space. And your little Picasso will love the continual chance to develop their drawing skills!