Making toys from natural materials is a fun way to educate children about their surroundings while helping them to develop their imagination and their love of this beautiful planet. Nuts and tiny branches are easy to pick up at the garden or going for a walk into the forest.

In this fun DIY activity, walnut shells become quirky little creatures that romp and frolic among the outdoors! Although I chose to decorate walnut shells, you can use any other nut shell. This is an easy and fast craft activity you can make at home with the kids, using materials you may already have around the house. Plus, it’s tons of fun!
What You Need

- Walnut shells
- Pipe cleaners
- Play dough
- Paint & brush
- Tiny branches or dried stems
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
How To

Step 1
Take some walnut shells. Open a walnut using the tip of a knife; twist it inside the seam of the walnut to get two perfect halves. Cut pipe cleaners in pieces of 6 inches long. Fold them in half.

Step 2
Take your walnut shell and look for the bottom part that looks flatter- where the seam is a little opened- this will be the best place for the legs. Glue and sandwich your folded pipe cleaner between the two halves.

Step 3
Paint the walnut shell and let it dry.

Step 4
Let’s make some funny faces! Mold play dough into small balls for making eyes, noses and mouths. Then, stick them to walnut shells.

Step 5
Take one pipe cleaner leg and fold half of it forward at right angle, then in half again towards the back of the shell. This will create your puppet’s foot! Repeat with the other leg. Adjust the pipe cleaners as necessary to find your puppet a stable standing position.

Step 6
Cut out tiny branches and dried stems. Glue them to the top of puppet heads to make horns and antlers. You got it! Your magical creatures are ready to play!

Hope you all enjoy the greatest adventures!!