I was working in the lab late one night … ! This DIY musical pumpkin is just what you need for your Halloween Monster Mash dance party – it’ll be a graveyard smash! Today we’re sharing one more way to use a power drill to make carving pumpkins super quick and easy this year. Keep reading to see the full instructions below!

what you need:

- Pumpkin
- Power drill
- Wood spade bit (3/4″)
- Pumpkin carving knife
- Scoop / spoon

Step 1
Cut a lid in the top of your pumpkin and scoop out the insides and seeds.

Step 2
To make the music notes, drill two holes beside each other as shown above.

Step 3
Use your pumpkin carving knife to cut skinny lines up from the right side of each circle.

Step 4
Next, connect the skinny lines with a slightly wider rectangle and voila! You’ve got your music notes! Repeat all over the pumpkin.

Happy Halloween!!