In today’s post, we’re sharing the final part of our pasta puppets series: Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer! If you missed the earlier videos, go see the elf and Santa posts first! Rudolph is ready to play reindeer games and dance the night away – make all three puppets and perform the best puppet show this Christmas! See the whole video, and instructions, below!
what you need:
- Elastic string
- Brown pipe cleaners
- Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint
- Paintbrush
- Red pom pom
- Black marker
- Wooden skewer
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Red paper
- Wooden beads

Step 1
Lay out your pipe cleaners, beads, and painted pasta noodles as shown above.

Step 2
Assemble the reindeer and twist the legs onto the main torso pipe cleaner as shown. Form loops to be hooves and a tail.

Step 3
Cut, bend, and glue pipe cleaners into antler shapes.

Step 4
Cut a saddle out of red paper and glue around the reindeer’s torso.

Step 5
Glue the antlers and pom pom nose onto the wooden bead head and snout. Use a black marker to draw on eyes.

Step 6
Cut elastic cord and tie from the head and two spots on the torso to a wooden skewer.

Happy crafting!!
Photo and video by Caroline Gravino