It’s TURKEY TIME! Don’t you love Thanksgiving traditions? Turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, PIE… Yum! So, let’s talk about pie for a minute. Yeah, it’s delicious, but it can be plain. You can frost a cake, add sprinkles, and play with colors, but pie is just so naked! I have the perfect solution. Turkey toppers! They’re colorful, adorable, and will be the perfect addition to your slice of pie this Thanksgiving.

You can put one turkey on a mini pie, a slice of pie, a cupcake, or put a flock of them on an entire pie. So many options! Your kids will love them. Even your Grandma will love them!

What You Need

- 1.5” Styrofoam ball
- 1” Styrofoam ball
- Toothpicks
- Brown and gold glitter
- Feathers
- Red and orange felt
- Scissors
- Small sponge paintbrush
- Glue
- Bowl & spoon
- 0.27″ googly eyes
- Glue gun
- Styrofoam plate (optional, but helpful!)
- Glossy clear acrylic sealer (optional)

Step 1
Pour a generous and equal amount of brown and gold glitter in a bowl, and mix with a spoon.
Step 2
Insert a toothpick into the center of a 1.5 inch Styrofoam ball, without going through to the other side. Repeat this step with your 1 inch Styrofoam ball and a second toothpick.

Step 3
Put a puddle of glue on a plate, and using your sponge paintbrush, coat your entire Styrofoam ball in glue. Hold it over your bowl of glitter, and spoon glitter over the ball until completely covered. Repeat this step with your second ball. Stick the toothpicks through the edge of a Styrofoam plate, and allow them to dry.

Step 4
Once your Styrofoam balls have dried completely, shake them over the bowl to get rid of any loose glitter. Using a toothpick, poke a hole in the large Styrofoam ball, where your turkey’s head will be placed at roughly a 45-degree angle.

Step 5
Using scissors, cut off about 1/3 of the toothpick that is attached to the smaller ball, and then insert the toothpick attached to the small ball into the hole you just made in the larger ball.
Step 6 (Optional)
While you can make the turkey without using a clear acrylic sealer, I highly recommend spraying the balls using the directions on the can, to seal in the glitter. Allow it to dry once again on your Styrofoam plate.

Step 7
Cut a tiny triangle beak out of orange felt, and use your red felt to cut a small wattle. Glue the tip of the wattle under the right side of the triangle. Glue the beak to the middle and bottom of the turkey’s face. Above it, glue your two googly eyes.

Step 8
Select feathers in a variety of sizes and colors. Cut off the hard tip on each feather, and then glue the feathers all together at the tips, starting with the longest feathers. Layer them with the smallest feathers on top, and be sure to fan them as you glue them in position. Add some smaller feathers to the back side, so the turkey looks good from all angles. Once your “feather fan” is completely dry, use a glue gun to attach it to the back and bottom of your turkey.

Now stick your turkeys in some pie and have a happy Thanksgiving!