Now that our clocks have sprung forward, why not celebrate the longer brighter days with these fun DIY watches? Craft, draw, and color these adorable paper watches and greeting cards for the perfect handmade Easter presents! Choose your favorite design from the free printables below and have fun coloring them in with your kids this spring.

Gather up some buttons and ribbon, print out the provided template and let’s get crafting! Oh, and P.S: these cute handmade watchbands can be used on real watches, too! Keep reading to see more.
What You Need

- Printable templates (download here)
- Ribbon and trims
- Buttons
- Elastic cord
- Cardstock
- Scissors
- Craft knife
- Glue
- Needle
- Thread
- Paint and/or markers
- Round stickers (optional)

Step 1
Download and print the templates onto plain or colored cardstock. Cut out the watches and greeting circle shapes. Fold the watch in half so that the interlocking tabs (the small circles on the sides) meet and lock together. Take extra care when cutting and folding to ensure a good fit. Use a craft knife to cut out the slots, following the marks on the template. Now, color in the printed greeting circles.

Step 2
Glue your colored greeting circles onto a blank paper watch. Glue one to the front and the two into the inside.

Step 3
You can also choose to draw your own designs onto blank watch templates. Have fun with it and mix it up!

Step 4
To make the watch band, cut a piece of ribbon, leaving a 1/2 inch seam allowance on the ends. Thread the ribbon through the paper watch slots. Choose your favorite button and stitch it onto one end of the ribbon with a needle and thread. Cut a piece of elastic cord about 2 1/2” – 3” long and tie an overhand knot, forming a loop.

Step 5
Thread the other end of the ribbon (the one without the button) through the elastic cord loop. Fold the ribbon end (hiding the elastic loop knot in the process) and stitch a seam to hold it in place. Add a few stitches to the elastic cord to keep the knot inside the ribbon seam too.

Step 6
Download and print the Happy Spring cards onto cardstock, or write your own message on a blank card. Decorate the cards with stickers, glitter, drawings, whatever you like! Cut it out and secure the watches around the card.

Choose a matching envelope and voila!

And one last tip! Follow the steps to make your own watch band to replace an old broken one of a real watch. Cool, right?

Happy spring!