I’d like to re-introduce you to Design Mom. Yes, re-introduce because everyone knows and loves Design Mom–Time Magazine, New York Times, Martha Stewart… the list goes on and on. But I’d like to share my personal experience with the queen of all bloggers.
Gabrielle Blair has been amazing mentor to me. She would always take my call and answer my cryptic emails while I was trying to figure out how to handle the transition from “stay-at-home mom” to “60 hours per-week working mom.” Gabby is an open book–or maybe a better way to put it would be an open encyclopedia. The advice and information she shares is priceless. She truly wants to help people.
I’m totally psyched to announce that I will be pinning alongside Gabby on her Pinterest boards this month. We’ll be sharing yummy recipes, DIY projects, interiors, ultra-hip mom style, and more. Click here to visit Gabby’s Pinterest boards–press follow all and pin the love!
Thanks Gabby, for all you do and the love you share!