Wallpaper is one of the easiest ways to dramatically transform a child’s room. With so many great options and patterns available, the hardest part is selecting the wallpaper that best suits your child’s room and personality. Animals prints, flowery and romantic wallpapers, geometric patterns—the options are endless.
Here are a few of our favorites…
As a rule of thumb, avoid applying wallpaper to all four walls of the room. You may end up with an “aquarium” effect. Instead, choose one statement wall, usually the one that reflects the most natural light. You can paint the other three walls in a soft, complementary color.
If wallpaper is not an option for your house, here’s a crafty alternative that you can make as an afternoon project with your little one: “build” a city skyline with leftover wallpaper rushes or scrapbook paper, or cut round dots and place them randomly on one wall for a colorful splash of color.
If any of these walls could speak, I’m sure they’d be sharing enchanted tales and happy stories. Wouldn’t you agree?
Image credits (from the top): Ferm Living (photo 1), Sofia Pulp (photo 2), Milk Magazine (photo 3), Mokkasin (photo 4), Bibelotte (photo 5), Mokkasin (photo 6), Mommo Design (photo 7), 101 woonideeen (photo 8), Wee Birdy (photo 9), Ferm Living (photo 10).