When we stumbled upon the stunning puppetry of Company Non Nova on Pinterest a few weeks ago, we couldn’t look away! Phia Menard, Creative Director of Company Non Nova, dreamed up and designed the show which was first performed back in 2008. All the photos and videos of the performance are SO inspiring and we can’t stop admiring them!

Look at these little guys go! With the help of performer Jean-Louis Ouvrard and a ring of fans, the plastic bag puppets move and dance around the performance space.

The piece is titled “L’Apres-Midi d’Un Foehn – Version 1” and is performed alongside Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun.

We are in love with the colors and patterns of the plastic bag dancers. Watch a sneak peek of the performance below – the movement of the puppets will have you in awe!
Photography by Jean-Luc Beaujault
Crying Out Loud
Les Trois Coups