Can you guess what the gift topper for this gift is made of? Here’s a hint: you buy it at the pet store! Give up? It’s plastic seaweed for aquariums! The colors are so bright and striking that I just knew I had to find a way to use this seaweed in a craft project.

If you haven’t browsed the fish/aquarium aisle at the pet store, do it! The colors are so fun and there are so many types of plastic seaweed to choose from. If you have a friend who loves the beach, wouldn’t this be the perfect way to wrap a gift for them?

What You Need

- Blue wrapping paper
- White glue
- Scissors
- Ribbons
- Plastic seaweed (made for fish tanks)

- Wrap your gift with the blue wrapper paper.
- Cut the seaweed leaves and stems off of the plastic bases.
- Wrap and tape down a piece of ribbon around the top of the gift – this is the direction your seaweed will lay.
- Arrange the seaweed in a layout that you like and glue in place.

Happy crafting!