3D Holiday Window Clings

This post is sponsored by Tulip.

3D Holiday Window Clings

Have you started decorating for the holidays yet? We don’t have our tree up quite yet, but we have definitely been in the holiday spirit here and are keen to deck the halls! These DIY holiday window clings are perfect – not only is it a fun activity for kids to work on, but when they’re done they can be hung in nearly any room. We teamed up with Tulip to craft these cuties – and guess what? They’re 3D too!

3D Holiday Window Clings

Tulip’s Super 3D Paint comes together as a kit, all ready to go, with a pair of 3D glasses. When you look at your designs without the glasses, they look great but the 3D glasses really kick them up a notch! Add a festive touch to nearly any room in your house, and you don’t have to be limited to only windows – these will stick onto mirrors, photo frames, or even jars. Keep reading for the full instructions and to download the free printable!

what you need:

3D Holiday Window Clings


3D Holiday Window Clings
Step 1
Print out the template and slide it into a large plastic zip top bag. Use the white 3D paint to make the faces. You can use a toothpick to help make these super small if you like, or just apply them directly from the bottle. Let dry.
3D Holiday Window Clings

Step 2
Pick out your colors and start filling in the shapes! Do the outline first and then fill in the rest of the shape, covering over the eyes. Make sure to apply the 3D paint nice and thick – it will flatten out a bit as it dries, and you want your window cling to be thick enough to hold together nicely. If your window cling is too thin, it may stretch later on. 

3D Holiday Window Clings

Step 3
Repeat this for all the shapes and let dry completely. Once they feel dry (we left ours overnight), carefully peel back the shapes. The faces will be visible from the other side and that is what we’ll be using as the front. If you’re having trouble peeling the window cling off of the plastic bag, don’t force it – leave it on the plastic and apply another layer of 3D paint on top to make it a bit thicker, which will help it peel off nicely once dried.

3D Holiday Window Clings
Step 4
Apply the clings onto a window, or any glass or plastic surface, like a mirror or clear glass jar.

3D Holiday Window Clings3D Holiday Window Clings3D Holiday Window Clings3D Holiday Window Clings

Happy crafting!