I created these wind chimes using material found on nature walks and the recycling bin. In the beginning, it was a mobile made from ice cream spoons. They made a soft sound like small bamboo sticks, so I added a bell and ended up creating a nice little wind chime. Figuring out how to hang the spoons without making a hole led me to the rubber bands and i used it in a decorative way.
Note: This project is for children 3+. Take care with the craft knife! Younger kids can help find the materials. Kids learning to make simple knots will have fun practicing with this simple craft.

What You Need
- Soft plastic lid, approx. 4 inches in diameter
- 3-7 ice cream spoons
- 5 plastic packaging strips
- 3-7 rubber bands
- 2 small bells
- 4 feathers
- Several empty acorns and beechnuts
- Hama beads

- Craft knife
- Scissors
- Reamer/punch
- Needle
- Nylon and cord
Getting Prepared

Step 1
Cut out the center of lid and punch 12 holes around the outside edge.

Step 2
Wrap the spoons with the rubber bands.

Step 3
Use the needle to make a hole in the plastic strips. Cut a 7 inch piece of nylon and knot them.

Step 4
Cut some longer nylon (13 inches) and knot it to the beechnut. Thread some hama beads.

Step 5
Knot a hama bead with cord and stick a feather in it. Add a second bead to affix it.

Step 6
Prepare all the strings.
Assembling the Wind Chimes

Step 1
Cut 2 pieces of nylon (18 inches each) and lace them crosswise through 4 holes in the lid.

Step 2
Make a knot at the end of all the pieces of nylon. Now add the spoons, feathers, and plastic strips as you like. Make sure to vary the lengths a bit. The string with the bells should come through the middle. Cut the nylon and cord.

Step 3
Your wind chimes are ready!

I ended up preparing too much material—enough for a second wind chime!

I prepared a second lid and easily made another wind chime.

That’s all there is to it! Happy crafting :)