The past several months have basically been one long sniffle around my house. Needless to say, we’ve been through our fair share of tissues. As I was looking around at the stacks and stacks of cardboard boxes piling up on every surface, I thought to myself – there’s got to be some way to hide these eyesores! Enter Sparkly Pony, home of the adorably quirky Animal Tissue Holders. From a bushy tailed bunny to a silly stegosaurus, these boxes are fun, clever solutions for turning the common cold clean-up into inspired kids design. And with pretty much every color of the rainbow, they are sure to rid of the wintertime blues.
Sparkly Pony Dinosaur Tissue Box
Available for $39.99 on Etsy
Sparkly Pony Bunny Rabbit Tissue Box
Available for $39.99 on Etsy
Sparkly Pony Elephant Tissue Box
Available for $39.99 on Etsy
Each creature comes in nine different colors, so use your imagination to dream up crazy creative combinations! I’ve got my eyes on a big blue elephant.
Pictured at top: Sparkly Pony Whale Tissue Box, available on Etsy.