Greetings from the Handmade Charlotte kitchen! We have been deliciously in love with our HP Sprout lately, so we relocated it to a nook in our kitchen, within close reach for the entire family. We were a bit worried because we can be messy bakers, but while we were whipping up a batch of frosting one night, we had a crazy idea: why not slather up our Sprout with frosting? Not only is it delicious to eat, but frosting is seriously awesome! There are an endless array of colors you can mix up yourself- bring in the sprinkles, and you’ve got yourself a party! We grabbed some supplies and mixed up some of our favorite colors. From there, we let our imaginations run wild!

We lined our Sprout mat with parchment paper (just in case), then we busted out the piping bags and lined paper after paper with squiggly shapes, dynamic lines and sprinkles to add that final (but oh-so-important!) detail. Squiggly lines and rosettes quickly turned into letters, and before we knew it, we were hand lettering some endearing phrases!

It turns out there are several awesome hand-lettering techniques that can be achieved with common frosting tips! The most famous, traditional hand-lettering tip of all is that any part of a letter that is a downstroke needs to be a thicker line. The “Y” and the “O” in our “HOORAY” are good examples of this technique in frosting. You can use the above image as a guide for what tips can create which effects. Use sprinkles and candies to accent your work! We had so much fun with these letters, I’m seriously considering swapping all my pens and pencils out for piping bags!

We love the idea of letting this colorful treat do some sweet talking all on its own, so we created some fun e-cards that look like you can just eat them up, right off the screen! Once we created several designs we were pleased with, we scanned them in using the Spout’s 3D Capture app. It’s so easy to scan in and edit within the program!

We saved a few of our favorite e-card designs for you to send to the ones you love the most on the world wide web! Whether it’s a birthday, a holiday, or just a plain ol’ Monday, sending one of these e-cards is sure to brighten someone’s day! You can also pin them to your favorite Pinterest board or save them as your cell phone wallpaper. We just want to be surrounded by these delectable phrases at every turn- how about you?

You can download the e-cards here:
This post is sponsored by HP Sprout.