The entire US is in the middle of a heat wave in December. I heard on the news the other morning that only 15% of the country has significant snow coverage, which is much lower than your average year. I miss the snow! Maybe that’s why snowflakes seem extra special right about now – or I suppose it could also have to do with that big looming thing called the Holidays!
Snowflakes are always fun to make – the traditional paper cut versions have that element of surprise every single time, which I adore. But now, you can expand beyond the humble paper snowflake too. Let’s try out some hot glue, borax, popsicle sticks or playdough and toothpicks with these sweet craft projects!
Play Dough and Toothpick Snowflakes
Via Small for Big
When I realized how easy it would be to make snowflakes this way – I got a little giddy. At one point, I had my entire work surface covered with the biggest snowflake ever. Just like real crystals, this project can expand indefinitely!
Borax Snowflakes
Image via Lesser Evil Life, project via Martha Stewart
Watching crystals grow out of thin air (or water?) is like scientific magic. Kids will love the surprise of these snowflakes, and the crystals too.
Beaded Snowflakes
Tutorial via Byblikfang
I have a soft spot for the simple look of natural wood beads – this snowflake is my favorite! The original tutorial is missing, but you can still see the instructions and download the template within this Bloglovin’ link.
Hot Glue Snowflakes
Tutorial via We Lived Happily Ever After
I have always been fascinated by hot glue – it’s just so pretty! Now we can showcase it on our windows and make these snowflakes, such a great idea.
Giant Craft Stick Snowflakes
Tutorial via Crafty Nest
Though they’re painted red in this photo, they’d also be beautiful just left in their natural state too. It’s a great way to make large decorations on a tight budget (and quickly too!).
Pictured at the top of this post: Snowflakes Table Runner, Tutorial via You Are My Fave.