I had a lot of kids over the other day and they decided they wanted to play pretend pizzeria. So we gathered a few craft supplies and stated making pizza to sell in the restaurant. We had so much fun!
I’ve learned from experience that simple ideas from your kids are always the best ones.

So we cut some leftover cardboard circles. We wrapped our slices, and then each child was responsible for one topping. Each little pizza chef cut out the colored paper, either mozzarella, mushroom, basil, etc. All the children gathered together for the prepping. Then it was time to play. One child decided to take orders, the other one to be the head pizza chef, and the rest played the role of hungry customers.
What You Need

- Cardboard
- Craft paper rolls
- Colored construction papers
- Scissors
- Glue gun or glue
- Craft knife

Step 1
Gather all your supplies. Cut a medium circle out of your cardboard, roughly 12 inches.

Step 2
Divide your circle into eight sections. Then cut your slices.

Step 3
Cut eight pieces of craft paper. Wrap each of your slices as you would wrap a present (refer to the picture above). Then fold your paper to make the crust of your pizza. Add the paper crust to your cardboard slice. Repeat eight times.

Step 4
Now take red construction paper, redraw and cut a circle, followed by the slices. Glue them to your cardboard pizza. Presto, you now have your pizza base!

Step 5
Add the toppings:
- Cheese: Cut strings of yellow construction paper. For the mozzarella, simply cut circles from white paper. Set aside.
- Pepperoni: Cut circles out of pink paper. Make white dots using a marker (optional).
- Basil and spinach leaves: Cut leaf shapes using green paper. Set aside.
- Egg: Cut a wavy white piece of paper, then a yellow circle shape. Glue them together.

You can go as far as you want with the toppings.

Now it’s time to play and serve. Happy crafting!