Who else loves looking at vintage Valentine’s Day cards online? The puns can be SO out there, but super entertaining for sure! Today we were inspired by this punny card and decided we ought to make some frank shaped cookies to make the Valentines even sweeter! Keep reading to see how we did it.

what you need:
- Pink and white cookie dough (we used this recipe, but without peppermint extract)
- Clear cellophane bags
- Ribbon
- Cardstock
- Hole punch
- Marker/pen

Step 1
First things first, you’ll want to make your hot dog cookies. We use the candy cane cookie recipe above, but made the dough more pink than bright red to look like a hot dog. Follow the directions in the recipe but instead of twisting the white and pink dough together, roll just the pink dough to make the hot dog, then roll the white dough into a slightly fatter roll, and cut in half. Place the hot dog weiner in the bun and bake according to your recipe’s directions. Let cool.

Step 2
Cut and make tags on card stock that say “Frankly, I hope you’ll be my Valentine!”. You can do this with a printer like we did, but they’ll look especially cute if you have your kids help with the writing for this step.

Step 3
Put the baked hot dog cookies into clear cellophane bags and tie the top with ribbon threaded through the tags.