Happy first day of October! We still have the whole month until Halloween, but it somehow feels right around the corner at the same time. Just yesterday I pulled out the box of Halloween decorations out of the closet to set up in the coming days – Canadian Thanksgiving is next weekend, and it always feels a bit odd to have too much Halloween stuff set up before then. These silly printable posters though are the perfect way to get in the spirit! I made a handful of similar ones for this past April Fool’s Day, and it got me thinking that it could be fun to make spooky versions for Halloween.
Print out as many as you want and hang them up around your house as a fun surprise for your kids, or even better hang them on a bulletin board in a public place in your community! I know I’ll be putting these up on the community bulletin board in my neighborhood this weekend. Hopefully, they give people a little chuckle!

You can also choose to come up with some silly ideas and make your own custom posters! It’s so much fun to brainstorm joke poster ideas, just remember to use fake phone numbers and email addresses! Have fun with fake names and fonts too – I know many designers despise Comic Sans, so I thought who better to use it on a poster than the devil? Get the ready-to-print posters below.

If you’re looking for these ready-to-use Halloween printables, get all six posters right here.

Happy Halloween!