instagram purse on etsy

Etsy Monday

Here's a little handmade goodness that recently caught my eye on Etsy.
constellation cookies

Constellation Cookies

I'm totally in love with these constellation cookies. What a fun way to spark your child's interest in astronomy!
oreo marshmallows

Sweet Tooth Tuesday

Here's a collection of little sweets that I've been coveting lately. How yummy are these little Oreo marshmallows?
Wooden Toys by Permafrost

Nordic-Inspired Wooden Toys

These simple & modern wooden toys were created by the Norwegian designers at Permafrost for the New Nordic exhibition at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Indoor Play by Renate Muller, Century of the Child at MoMA

Century of the Child at MoMA

I wasn't going to post about the Century of the Child exhibit at MoMA since so much has already been said everywhere else, but I had to when I came across this...
Onderwater Tandem Dutch Family Bicycle

A Bicycle Built For School

What could be cooler than carpooling to school every morning on a bicycle? If you've got the guts, these bikes have room fro the whole family.
Embroidery by Yumiko Higuchi

Embroidery Inspired By Nature

My jaw hit the floor when I found this amazing embroidery on Misako Mimoko. These artists are literally recreating nature, one stitch at a time.