Kids love leaving cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve, but you can also enjoy some holiday nibbles on this sweet snack mat! With felt and fabric, you can make a plate of cut-out cookies that’s perfect for a crafternoon treat.

These cookies and the mat are mostly just ironing and cutting. That means older kids can make these pretty much on their own. But even young children can get involved with choosing fabrics from the scrap bin for all the different flavors of cookies!
We have some of our favorite cookies in the template, but you can also use small cookie cutters to make even more Christmas cookies for Santa!

Ready to bake some fabric cookies? Let’s get started!
what you need:

- Wool or Wool-Blend Felt
- Fabric (about the size of a piece of paper)
- Fabric Scraps (for cookies)
- Paper-Backed Fusible Web (such as Wonder Under)
- Embroidery Floss
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Iron
- Needle
- Printable template

Step 1
Print the template pages. Trace the cookies and mat on the paper side of the fusible web.

Step 2
Cut the cookie shapes apart and iron them to the back of the fabric scraps. Iron the mat with the circle to the back of the larger fabric piece.

Step 3
Cut out the mat piece on the traced lines, then cut out the circle from the center.

Cut out the cookies and peel the backing paper off all the pieces, including the mat.

Step 4
Lay the mat piece on the felt and make sure it’s smooth. Iron the fabric to the felt.

Step 5
Cut around the mat, leaving a little bit of felt showing.

Step 6
Position the cookies on the “plate” part of the mat. They can overlap a little, just like real cookies often do!
Once you’re happy with the layout, iron the cookies down to the mat.

Step 7
To add a finishing touch, thread a piece of embroidery floss through your needle and tie a knot at the other end. Stitch around the edge of the mat with running stitch.

Your Cookies for Santa mat is all finished and ready for a snack! Pour a glass of milk, and the cookies are already there on the plate for you…

Okay, so maybe you should grab some real cookies. You could also enjoy a healthier treat like carrots (because Santa’s reindeer love those for a snack!).

If you make these for everyone in the family, no two mats need to be the same. Mix up the cookie fabrics to keep them unique! They are so fast and easy to make, they would also be a fun gift to make for friends. Pair them with some homemade cookies!
To keep this mat clean, you can simply brush away the crumbs. But for those times when it needs a wash because Santa isn’t always tidy, hand wash in cold water and hang to dry. Then give it a press with an iron.

Happy crafting!