Now that the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer, we’re looking for more ways to keep our little guy occupied after the sun goes down. Enter, the flashlight! We love making shadow puppets, but I was hoping to branch out from that. Since my son has been showing lots of interest in space lately, I thought some constellations would be perfect!

What You Need
- Black paper or card stock
- Scissors
- Flashlight
- Awl or needle
- Pencil
- Black spray paint (optional)

Step 1
First off, to make sure the discs work you’ll need to remove or paint over (with the spray paint) the silver shiny part on the inside of the flashlight. Trust me, this works.

Step 2
While you are waiting for the paint to dry, if you painted it that is, take the top part of the flashlight and trace the part you want the discs to fit on top of onto the black card stock.

Step 3
This might be the trickiest part! Take the scissors and carefully cut as close to the tracings as you can. The closer you are the better they will fit! Trust me.

Step 4
Now comes the really fun part. Pick your favorite constellations and mark the dots onto the card stock circles. I suggest picking ones that have fun stories to match to keep the little ones entertained.

Step 5
Take your awl or needle and poke the holes through the marked dots. See? Super easy.
Step 6
Assemble your new flashlight, throw on the discs, and have fun!

Ta-da! Hours of practically instant fun:)