These perfectly polka dotted overalls are just the beginning of a big idea we have been brewing up over here at Handmade Charlotte headquarters. I wasn’t going to share the news so soon, but who could keep this silly business under wraps. Beginning next month we are on a mission to cover the entire world in dots, blots, specks and spots!
So clap your hands, wiggle your toes, close your eyes and make a wish because Freckle Lab is on its way! The universe will never be the same. Look forward to seeing dots on a variety of super spotty DIY’s in the very near future.
To warm you up for the big event, we want to give you a crash course in how to paint a polka dot perfectly every time using FolkArt® Multi-Surface wonder paint. You’ll have a few weeks to practice this easy-as-pie technique on a pair of overalls or just about any other piece of clothing you feel like freckling.
What You Need
- Plaid® Spouncers in a Variety of Sizes
- FolkArt® Multi-Surface Paint in a Variety Of Awesome Colors
- Upcylced Overalls from Your Local Thrift Store
Tips for the Perfect Polk Dot
Dip your spouncer in the paint, covering evenly, and dab on a scrap piece of paper to remove the excess paint.
Next place the spouncer on your overalls and gently press the sponge against the fabric in a circular motion to make sure you have created a perfect circle. Remove the spouncer, and BOOM! You’ve got a perfect polka dot. Now repeat until you feel sufficiently freckled.