Whether you headed to the cabin on last time for some end-of-summer camping or simply want your preschooler to get a jump start on playful learning, these simple shape dominoes are just the thing.

Printing Out The Dominos
Start by downloading the printable dominoes templates (download front here, download back here). Print out all three sheets of the front of the dominoes on a thick card stock (I used heavy water color paper to add some texture).
Once you have all three domino fronts printed, turn them over and print onto the backs using the domino back PDF. (If you want a more permanent version, you could even affix the tops to cardboard or wood rectangular tiles, using Mod Podge, and then affix the back pattern to the other side).
Once the backs and fronts of the dominoes are printed cut them out on the thin lines. You are now ready to play!

Game Play
- Give each player 5 domino cards, then place the rest of the cards face down on the table.
- The youngest player goes first by placing any domino card face up in the center of the table.
- Going clockwise, the next player checks their hand to see if they have a card that has a coordinating shape to add. If so, they will then place it on the table touching the shape that it matches. If not, they will then have to draw one from the center pile. If a match is made, it can be played. If not, the turn is over and goes to the next person.
- Continue in this same fashion until one of the players had used up all of their dominoes. This player is then the winner!

This has been such a great go to game for my kids. They can even instigate and play it on their own which is great for me! And it’s perfect for my three year old who is prepping for preschool. We completely love it!