Bring some snowy sparkles to your home with this fun snowflake sequin artwork! A few simple materials let you add bling to your winter decor (and keep little hands busy making)!

Templates create a framework for crafting these snowflakes, but they’re just a starting point. By choosing from different sizes and colors of sequins you can really get creative.
Show off your snowflakes as framed artwork, give them as gifts, or craft something else with the shimmery flakes!

Let’s get ready to craft some sparkle and shine!
what you need:

- Felt
- Sequins
- Wood Frame
- Pen
- Scissors
- Glue Stick
- Craft Glue
- Printable snowflake template

Step 1
Open the back of the wooden frame and remove the glass (or plastic) as well as the backing. Trace around the backing on a piece of felt. Cut out the felt piece just inside the traced lines.

Step 2
Print the Snowflake Sequin Art PDF template and trim down the snowflake you want to use. Center it on the felt piece and use your pen to poke a hole and mark the pattern on the felt.
Be sure to hold the template steady as you work, and check that the markings show on the felt.

When it’s all finished, you should be able to see the design clearly.
If you’re having trouble, try punching the holes on the template with a thumbtack first. Then go back and make the markings. Or, try another pen, such as a felt-tip.

Step 3
Use a glue stick to attach the marked felt piece onto the glass or plastic insert from the frame. Be sure that the marked side is facing up! This keeps the felt smooth and secure.
Place the felt and glass back into the frame with the marked felt side out.

Step 4
Grab your sequins and lay them on the snowflake markings. Try out different combinations of sequin colors and sizes until you find a design you like.

Step 5
Use a tiny dot of craft glue to attach the sequins to the felt. Let them dry.

Once you finish your sequin snowflakes, it’s time to display them for all to see!

Our snowflake template has three designs, but when you change up the sequins, you’ll end up with lots more design options. But they’re only the beginning, because you can design your own sequin snowflakes too!
Hang a few snowflakes on your wall (maybe mixed in with family photos!) or set them around on shelves. Want to make them extra fancy? Decorate the frames with paint or more sequins!

You could use these sequined snowflakes for other projects too. Attach them to the front of a notebook, use them to make a hanging ornament, or stitch them onto a patch!
Happy crafting!