The summer toy aisle is one of my favorite places to browse this time of year – there are so many bright colors and fun shapes that it’s impossible not to be inspired! When I saw these toy tennis racquets, I knew the woven plastic strings would be the perfect way to spell out a fun message.

I used masking tape to attach them to the wall since the plastic racquets are so light, but adhesive hooks are a good idea if you’re hanging them above anything fragile. The great part is, you can still use these racquets after you’ve decorated them!
What You Need

- Plastic toy tennis racquets (I got mine from the dollar store)
- Assorted ribbon
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors

- Hot glue the end of a piece of ribbon onto the grip of the tennis racquet. Wrap the ribbon around the grip, spiraling down it to cover the whole thing. Hot glue to secure.
- Repeat for the rest of the racquets. If you’re happy with the look of your handle, you can skip this step. You can also spiral another ribbon over top of the white base for decoration.
- Select a ribbon that fits nicely between the “strings” of the racquet. Start weaving the ribbon over and under to form letters, leaving unglued until you’ve woven in all the ribbons for the letter. Some letters can be tricky, so it helps to set it all up first.
- Once you’re happy with the letter, hot glue the ribbon back onto itself on the back of the racquet.
- Repeat for the rest of the letters. I spelled out “Let’s play” but you could spell anything you like: “Summer”, “Party”, or names of players!

Happy crafting!