Easter is a few days away – have you started decorating? Today we’re sharing a few of our favorite Easter projects from the blog archives that feature materials that you very likely have on hand! We’ve also included some suggestions below on how you can adapt them to suit what you do have – in most cases, you’ll never even notice the difference. Keep reading to see how to can make your house Easter-ready without making a special shopping trip!

Easter Dioramas
Gather up and leftover plastic cups from the party cupboard or jars from the recycling bin and turn them into these adorable spring scenes! Take a look through your Easter decorations for any small trinkets like these fuzzy chicks, mini mushrooms, and small eggs. Work with what you have and craft other additions to make the diorama as cute as can be.

Printable Easter Egg Stitch Cards
Not only are these printable Easter eggs instant decor, but they also teach kids how to sew and practise their stitching.

Spring Chick Puppets
Gather up any leftover yarn bits from your craft stash and give them a new life as these little chick puppets. If you have styrofoam balls to use as the base shape for the chicks, that’s perfect, but if not, swap in a ball of crumpled up newspaper instead – no one will be able to tell the difference!

Seed Paper Easter Eggs
Scrap paper + wildflower seeds + food coloring = these awesome seed paper eggs! Plant them in your garden and watch them grow or mail them to family and friends.

Dry Erase Easter Egg Card Printables
Kids will love customizing these colorful Easter cards! If you don’t have laminating sheets at home, you can create the same effect by using pieces of packing tape instead.

Upcycled Cardboard Easter Eggs
If you have as much extra cardboard laying around as we do, then turn some of it into these upcycled Easter eggs. Make a whole bunch to decorate your table or even hide them around the house.

Birdie Balloon Garland
Yellow balloons have never looked better! No yellow balloons? Use whatever colors you have – birds of all colors are ready to celebrate Easter!

Bunny Shaped Card Holders
We love these simple card holders! Use some rocks from your yard and whatever wire you have on hand. They make excellent holders for cards, notes, and photos.

Joke Easter Eggs
Do you have any alphabet-shaped pasta in your cupboard? They’re the star of the show for these silly joke eggs, which you can make on fake eggs instead of real ones if you’re running low. No alphabet pasta? Write jokes on the eggs with edible markers instead!

Printable Springtime Watches
Add a new accessory to your spring wardrobe with these printable watches! You can use your favorite ribbons and fabric so that your watch it sure to match your Easter outfit.