Easter is my absolute favorite when it comes to candy! With pretty pastels blanketing the world, each candy dish you pass looks like its own spring garden! Easter is within throwing distance and whether guests will be hopping in and out of your home, or if it’ll just be you and a few special somebunnies, it’s always wonderful to have something colorful to look at. This Easter Bunny Bonbon Holder will put a smile on everybody’s face. Chocolates, hard candies, jellybeans – fill it with your family’s go-to treats and celebrate this sweet time of year.
What You Need
- Printable template
- Fabrics of different colors (old/recycled if possible)
- Threads (both colored and white)
- Pencil
- Ribbon
- Stuffing
- Needle
- Glue
- Scissors
- Cardboard
- Sewing machine (optional)

Step 1
Download the pattern, scale to 400% and print. Cut out the template shapes and trace them into your fabrics and cardboard with a pencil, then cut out.
Step 2
Glue the COLLAR and DRESS pieces onto the BODY piece (cardboard piece 1). Glue Fabric Circle A on BOTTOM (cardboard piece 2). Fold BODY and stick it onto the glue area, as indicated above. Then glue the BODY and BOTTOM pieces together. This will serve as a pocket for the candies of your choice.
Use scissors to cut fringes into the BACK piece.
Step 3
Draw eyes and a nose on one of your FACE pieces, then embroider (optional). Fold sleeves in half and sew the sides together. Sew the ears and arms as shown above and fill with stuffing.
Step 4
After sewing the ears and two face pieces together, turn the entire head right-side-out and fill it with stuffing. Do the same with the arms and sleeves, as shown above.
To make your bunny’s ruffle collar, take the RUFFLE piece and make a straight stitch down the middle. Pull thread to make gathers.
Step 5
Now it’s time to assemble your bunny! Make a stitch to attach the arms to the bunny’s body. Glue the fringed BACK piece between the arms on the bunny’s back. Make a bow tie with your ribbon and glue or stitch it onto the bunny’s ears. Sew the ruffle around the bunny’s neck and glue the head on top of the body.
Your Easter Bunny Candy Holder is finished and ready to be filled with sweet treats :)