Do you remember shooting things out of straws when you were little? Maybe things you didn’t like from the dinner table…like peas (hint hint)? I love going back to the basics and revisiting childhood toys. Sometimes it’s the simplest toys that are the most entertaining, and I can guarantee some outrageous fun and plenty of giggles with this one.
If you never got the chance to play with one as a kid, a pea shooter is usually a tube that launches its projectiles via blowing, like a blowgun or blowpipe. But don’t worry! These projectiles aren’t scary or dangerous, we’re just using craft pom-poms or felt balls here. 100% safe! They can be party favors for a birthday, or just some fun toys when you have kids over for a play date. No matter what the occasion, the kids will have fun.

A few days ago we were invited to an outdoor party and I wanted to make something special for the kids—a game they would play all together. I ran across some party horns in my supply bag and an idea for using them in a new way popped into my head. A few steps later, I surprised myself (and the cats)!
I imagined a little bag to go with the peashooter, designed some tags, and finally put everything together.
What You Need

- Party horns
- Felt balls or craft pom-poms
- Label templates (download here)
- Twine
- Hole punch
- Party favor bag
- Scissors

Step 1
Cut the horn piece off of the party horn.

Step 2
Print and cut out the labels.

Step 3
Now it is time to put everything together: drop the tube and pom-poms into the party favor bag.

Step 4
Punch a hole on the top left or right side of the bag and tie your label on with a piece of twine.

Hand them out and shoot away!