School season is back in full swing! I’m sure we’ve all been staring at lots and lots of books recently, in preparation for oodles of learning and edu-ma-cation. It’s a season I’ve always loved, but not necessarily because it involves going back to school. Nah, I’d be just as happy at home as long as I was surrounded by the fresh scent of brand new school supplies and a pile of gorgeous books!
Feel the same way? Lots of people do. Let’s take our love of books to an entirely new level and make our own. Bookbinding can be as complicated or as simple as you make it, and this range of tutorials gives you a glimpse into some of the many options out there. Take a peek, pick your favorite, and make your own favorite book.

Book Keepsake Box
Tutorial via Better Homes & Gardens
I love the addition of the envelope to the inside of this secret book. Take a peek at the extra handy how-to tips in Miss Vicky Viola’s tutorial too, she’s got it down to a science.

Recycled Children’s Artwork Book
Tutorial via Artful Kids
There isn’t a specific tutorial for this one, but I really love a useful and beautiful way to use some of our kids massive amounts of artwork we have lying around the house, don’t you? Take any of the bookbinding methods listed here and turn it into a mini gallery for your kids!

I Miss You Bound Book
Tutorial via Siuyuett
Have you done some book binding before? Then this next step is for you. What message would you stitch on the side of your special book?

Envelope Book
Tutorial via Instructables
The perfect way to store all of our favorite flotsam and jetsam (collecting ticket stubs anyone?), this book has lots of steps, but the results are so cool.

Origami Blizzard Book
Tutorial via Making Mini Scrapbooks
Originally designed by Heidi Kyle while she was stuck at home in a Blizzard, there are lots of variations on this method out in the interwebs. The basics are so simple, I can’t wait to give it a try.
Pictured at the top of this post: Miniature Center-Stitched Book, tutorial via Bird and Little Bird.