If you can tie a knot, you can make these simple Christmas tree garlands! If you look closely, you may notice that these Christmas trees are made of cone-shaped paper cups – they make this craft come together super duper quickly! I bought a pack of these online but if you could also choose to make your own paper cones at home instead if you have a little more time on your hands or want to make them in another color. These are fun to hang anywhere in your house but they look really nice in front of a window with the sunlight almost shining through the thin paper cups. Make a whole bunch of them and hang them in your front window for a festive display! And if your kids want to decorate them a bit more, stickers are a fun and easy way to do that without worrying about crushing the paper cups in the process.

what you need:
- Paper cups (cone-shaped)
- Scissors
- String
- Ruler
Step 1
Cut a piece of string the length you would like your garland to hang. Keep in mind these garlands need to be hung vertically!
Step 2
Remove a few paper cones from the stack and use scissors to cut a small snip on the tip of the cone, forming a small hole. You want the hole to be large enough to poke the string through but not so large that the knotted string will slide through. This will take a little bit of guess and check, so start small and then cut the hole larger if needed.
Step 3
At the bottom of the string, tie an overhand knot about 1″ from the end. Slide the first paper cup over the string so that it rests on this knot.
Step 4
Tie another overhand knot 2″ from the top of the paper cone that you just slid on. Slide a second paper cup onto the string so that it rests on this knot.
Step 5
Tie one more overhand knot again 2″ from the top of the second paper cone, and slide on a third paper cone. The first tree is now complete!
Step 6
Repeat this process to make additional trees – for the garland pictured, I measured 9″ between trees but you can customize this as you like. Make as many string as you need and tie a loop at the top of the string for easy hanging.

Happy crafting!