Straws have to be one of my all-time favorite craft supplies. Paper, plastic, large or small… I’ve started a collection and it’s growing quickly. Not only do I craft with them, my family of course uses them to drink with too. They’re colorful and practical!

It’s become a tradition for my daughter and I to make necklaces together each summer. Last year, we used corrugated cardboard to make the beads. The other day I was tidying up my craft area and found so many paper scraps and colorful straws that I knew they’d be the perfect beads for this summer’s necklaces.

This is such a simple craft, you probably already have all the materials to make it. My daughter was so proud of her DIY necklace – even smaller children can get involved and practice stringing beads. All in all, this summer’s necklace project was a big success!
What You Need

- Colored construction paper
- Colorful straws (paper and/or plastic)
- Scissors
- String
- Hole punch
- Circle paper punch

Step 1
Cut each straw into 6-7 pieces. Set aside.

Step 2
Use the circle punch to cut circles out of your colored construction paper. Then use the hole punch to make a second hole in the center of each circle. Set aside.

Step 3
Cut a long string and start to make your first necklace. You can alternate straws and paper circles or just play around with the colors and shapes. Keep going until you have no more beads or your string is full. Tie the end in a knot and voila!

Happy crafting!! :)