Although I was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, there is a special place in my heart for Kentucky. I fell in love with my husband, got married, and had my first baby here, and just moved back a few years ago. It just feels like home, and if you’re going to call yourself a Kentuckian, then celebrating the Kentucky Derby is non-negotiable!

One year we went to our local racetrack to watch it on a big screen, but this year, I think we’ll stay home and have a prize-ribbon cake with the kids. I have always loved vintage horse show ribbons, and that is the inspiration for our little Derby celebration this year. They would also be darling for a county fair or pony party!

what you need:

• Sour belt candy or bubble tape bubble gum
• Mini vanilla wafer cookies
• Scissors
• Dessert of your choice (cake, cupcakes, brownies, mini pies, etc.)

Step 1
Use kitchen scissors to cut sour belt candy (or bubble tape gum) into 2 ¼” strips, then cut a small triangle out of the bottom of each strip. Start in each corner, and meet in the middle.

Step 2
Arrange one, two, or three sour strips under a mini vanilla wafer cookie, to look like a prize ribbon. Play around with the colors and arrangement.

Step 3
Place the edible “prize ribbon” on a cake, cupcake, brownie, pie, etc.

Now you have a prize-winning dessert! Happy Derby Day!