This post is a partnership with One Potato.

Your kids’ artwork is so amazing, so who says they should be displayed in boring frames? Enter this colorful gallery wall that we crafted using our empty cardboard box from One Potato! We will never get tired of spreading the word about recycled crafts – they are seriously THE best so we are thrilled to be putting our One Potato box to good use.
In case you’re not already familiar, One Potato was founded by Catherine McCord of Weelicious and is a serious life-saver for busy parents. Each week, they deliver 2-3 organic, easy-to-prepare dinners to your door. All meals are designed to be on the table in 15-30 minutes and each box comes with free organic cookie dough! Pricing is flexible pricing for families of all sizes and there are plans for dietary preferences too. Keep reading for a special 30% off promo code!

We love how One Potato is so committed to keeping their packaging earth-friendly – all their bags are recyclable and the cardboard boxes are made from 100% recycled cardboard! Read more about how One Potato recycles here. But don’t put your empty boxes into the recycling just yet – save a few to repurpose into these colorful frames first!

what you need:

- Empty cardboard box
- Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint
- Paintbrush
- Stickers
- Scissors
- Cutting mat
- Craft knife
- Ruler
- String
- Tape

Step 1
Cut your cardboard to the size you’d like your frame to be. For our largest frame, we used an entire side from our One Potato box.

Step 2
Use a pencil and ruler to mark out how wide you’d like the frame to be, keeping in mind the size of the opening. If you already have artwork from your kids that you’d like to display here, reference that before cutting the frame’s opening.

Step 3
Time to add some depth and detail – you can do this however you like, the possibilities are endless. One the smallest frame, we cut narrower frames to sit on top to add some height. For the medium frame we cut scallops to decorate the edge, and for the largest frame we cut rectangles to arrange all along the frame.

Step 4
Use glue to adhere the cardboard pieces all together and let dry.

Step 5
Paint the frame! Use one solid color or paint the details all different shades. Let dry.

Step 6
Have some fun decorating the frames with stickers!

Step 7
Flip the frame over and place your artwork on top so that it is centered in the frame’s opening. Use tape to secure in place.

Step 8
Cut a piece of string and tape on either side of the frame back so that it can be hung. Or, make a little stand using leftover cardboard and tape in place.

Step 9
Repeat until you have a whole set of beautiful recycled artwork ready to hang as a gallery wall!

Use promo code HC30 to receive 30% off your first box! One Potato currently ships to 10 states on the west coast with plans to expand very soon – make sure to add yourself onto their waitlist to learn when they launch in your city!